Tag Archives: traditional

Why Do I Want An Agent?

whyfaceAs a friend of mine said… it’s so that I can drop in, ‘I’ve been talking to my agent.’ But although this is obviously shallow and tragically needy, there’s sadly a lot of truth in it. However, before I make the move to find an agent, I thought I’d explain some of the reasons for this decision.

I’ve been heralding the dawn of self-publishing for long enough and so what’s changed? Nothing, in terms of the self-publishing revolution. It seems to be ploughing on with increased momentum. A latest number shows that 30% of all ebooks sold are self-published, and that’s huge. But, it’s not you… it’s me. Why am I changing my mind?

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Why Leave the Self-Publishing Paradise and Go Traditional?

why leave self-publishingJust recently I’ve read a couple of blogs from previously self-published authors who have turned to the dark side and signed, or tried to sign, with a traditional publisher. I know it’s not the dark side and I believe that a hybrid model probably works best for a recognised writer but I don’t get it if you’re not a huge bestseller already.

This blog is all about me. I’m a writer that’ll be publishing his first two novels by the end of the year. I’m not self-published or traditionally published yet, but I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with going down the self-published route. Check out this post, or this post, if you don’t believe me. So, what can a traditional route offer versus the utopian dream of self-publishedness?

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